Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day to all our dads out there!

People ask me what I mostly photograph, and I really photograph love.

I did a family shoot last weekend out In Richmond with a great family of four--mom, dad and two of the spriteliest kiddos, an 8 year old girl, and a 6 year old boy. As I made my way through their images this week, preparatory to creating a slideshow for them, I kept smiling, and I know I grinned over and over because of their transparent love for each other. Love and happiness are infectious--it's hard for humans to see other humans having fun without smiling ourselves. And that's what happened to me. They infected me with their adoration and high spirits. Wouldn't it be cool if this virus spread?

Speaking of being infected with love, the studio hosted our second Studio Portrait Party yesterday with ten families. We had a terrific, expressive group of families, with a whole lot of infants, and while it will take me a couple of weeks to finish up with the photographs, I can already tell everyone that there are many, many great shots. Joy, Meg, Greg and I are very pleased and proud of the results.

I will attach a few here, with a special sounding out to the dads in attendance who are celebrating what is, for many of them, their very first Father's Day. Congratulations to you all. Thanks again to everyone who helped make the day such rollicking good fun, and so fulfilling, for us all.


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