Friday, May 30, 2008

Sign-Up Time for Macro Course

I'm teaching a class on macro photography! Let everyone know! This is from the Phoenix Perennial course list. The class runs two evenings in June.

Ready for my Close-Up: Capturing the starlets of the garden in the frame of a photograph | Instructor: Jane Eaton Hamilton | Two Evenings: Tuesdays June 10 and June 17, 6-9pm | $75 | Do you long to be able to photograph flowers so that they look just as good in wet white January -- up on your wall -- as they do swaying in their sultry summer beds? Spend two seductive evenings photographing the come-hither beauties of the Phoenix Perennials June gardens. We will cover macro photography, capturing still flowers, and photographing moving flowers. Please bring a digital SLR, a 4GB memory card, and the best lens you have. Jane suggests a Canon 100 mm f2.8 or its equivalent. Participants will have the opportunity to share their best work with the class. June 10, June 17 6-9 pm

Nursery owner and rare plant expert Gary Lewis had me shoot a few of his choice and prize arisemas this week; these are a few of the lovelies up close:

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