Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Touching end of August wedding

These beautiful brides hail from Colombia, and they were tickled pink to be in Vancouver to wed. They had ghastly weather, poor things, but they were troopers during it all, though I'm sure our chill and drizzle felt like about -50 degrees C to them. Like the last couple Jane Photo blogged, they got married at the Celebration Pavilion in Queen Elizabeth Park and then went on a cruise to Alaska. Funny, that.

AnaMaria and Pili were so totally in love that I know we all teared up during their poignant ceremony.

We so hit it off, we've planned to meet up in Cartagena, where I spent many leisurely weeks of my adolescence with a girl who boarded at the girls' school in my Ontario hometown. Sure hope it happens, because Cartagena must be one of the prettiest destinations on earth, and these gals were so, so great that I'd love to have them in our lives forever.

Years of happiness to you both, AnaMaria y Pili!

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