Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Baby Isaac: how he has grown!

I stopped by baby Isaac's home recently to take more photographs of this bouncing five-month-old baby, and to grab a shot of the wall art his parents purchased in February commemorating his arrival. It is sure stunning up on their yellow wall. The matts are incredibly thick, setting the artwork off beautifully. It's funny seeing and shooting Isaac now. I am so ultra familiar with him because I've spent so long editing images of him, and so completely a stranger, too. Do I recognize him? He is huge now--nearly 20 pounds. Sometimes I'd look at him and see someone completely new, he's changed so much. But then in the next moment I'd spot that tiny preemie newborn and his adorable cheeks poking through the big boy he's become. He loves to cuddle; loves to laugh; is clearly just so delighted to find himself alive.

One thing's for sure...if he was loved the day he came home from the hospital, he's loved doubly now. His parents just exude happiness and joy. It's a pleasure--and an honour--to be around that kind of blissed out mama-love.

I hope to be able to post some of the images from our recent session soon!

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